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18th Waseda Transdisciplinary Philosophy Research Meeting & 5th Meeting of the Tokyo Philosophy Project TOPIC: On the Philosophy of...

Presentation at The 2nd APT conference (Asian Philosophical Texts)
The 2nd APT conference (Asian Philosophical Texts) Venue: Research Institute for Japanese Studies at Kanda University of International...

Presentation at the 5th Annual Conference of the European Network of Japanese Philosophy
Venue: Nanzan University Nagoya, Japan Date: 29 August – 1 September 2019 Presentation title: “In-between Watsuji’s and Spinoza’s Ethics:...

KEYNOTE delivered at the François Laruelle and Non-Standard Philosophy: The Path of Least Resistance
Venue: Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Étude des Religions et de la Laïcité (CEIRL) Université Libre de Bruxelles Date: February 8, 2019 -...

Organized the following event: TUJ Philosophy Lecture Series Vol. 10 John W. Krummel on “Lask, Heide
Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Time: 19:00–20:30 (doors open at 18:30) Venue:Temple University, Japan Campus, Azabu Hall, 1F The...

CFP François Laruelle and Non-Standard Philosophy: The Path of Least Resistance
TUJ-ULB Contemporary Philosophy Workshop 2018 February 8, 2019 - February 9, 2019 VENUE: Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Étude des Religions...

Organized the following event: TUJ Philosophy Lecture Series Vol. 9 Nobuo Kazashi on “Haruki Murakam
Date: Friday, November 30, 2018 Time: 19:00-20:30 (doors open at 18:30) Venue: Temple University, Japan Campus, Azabu Hall, 1F The...

Organized the following event: TUJ Philosophy Lecture Series Presents Guest Lecture by David W. John
You are invited to a lecture on June 27 by David W. Johnson, professor of philosophy at Boston College, USA. This lecture is dedicated to...

Organized the following event: TUJ Philosophy Lecture Series Vol. 6: Tomoko Iwasawa on “What Is Japa
This lecture investigates the meaning of the Japanese concept of kami by analyzing its original meanings developed in ancient texts and...

Video presentation at the 3rd ENOJP conference in Paris, November 2017
Venue: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), Paris, France Date: November 2nd, 2017 Presentation title:...
Anchor Watsuji
Anchor Pragmatism
Anchor Warsow
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