TUJ Autumn Tea Gathering at Showa Women’s University (昭和女子大にてTUJ秋の茶会を開催)
2019年12月20日 by tujcomm
link: https://tujcomm.wordpress.com/2019/12/20/tuj-autumn-tea-gathering-at-swu/

During TUJ Community Day celebrations on November 7, the first TUJ Autumn Tea Gathering was held at the Japanese garden gazebo of Showa Women’s University (SWU). In attendance were guests, delegates and trustees from Temple Main Campus in Philadelphia led by Temple University President Richard Englert and Executive Vice President and Provost JoAnne Epps.
Temple University President Richard Englert (right) and Executive Vice President and Provost JoAnne Epps (テンプル大学総長リチャード・イングラート(右)と教務担当副総長・プロボストのジョアンナ・エップス)

The event was held in a Ryūrei (立礼) style tea ceremony or temae, where tea is prepared with the host seated at a special table, and the guests seated at tables which allows for the ceremony to be conducted outdoors. Four successive tea sessions were held where the temae was conducted by the two main hosts, TUJ professors Jordanco Sekulovski and Yaeko Kabe. Assisting were Kyoko Taima and Nao Shibusawa from the Reisenkai Japanese Culture Institute as well as TUJ instructor Mayu Tsuruya and two TUJ students Shoko Kondo and Atsumi Sato. Tea and sweets were served to the guests.
今回の茶会は立礼(りゅうれい)による点前(てまえ)が行われました。ホスト側も、ゲストも屋外開催用の特別なテーブルに着席して開催されました。茶会は四度続けて、点前は2人のメインホスト、TUJ教員のヨルダンチョ・セクロフスキと日部八重子によって行われました。加えて、麗扇会の泰間京子氏と渋沢奈緒氏、またTUJ教員の釣谷真由、TUJ学生の近藤 祥子さんと佐藤惇未さんのお手伝いもあり、ゲストにお茶とお菓子が振る舞われました。

Each tea ceremony lasted for an hour. Over 50 guests were served matcha powdered tea and seasonal Japanese sweets wagashi with explanations of the Urasenke Tea School history and tea ceremony.
We would like to extend our gratitude to Tina Saunders, director and associate professor of instruction in law at the Law Program at TUJ and Geo Otsu from the Dean’s Office for making this possible and assisting us in preparing for the event. Also, we would like to thank SWU professor Akemi Mineda and staff for their extensive support.
We are hoping that the successful completion of the event will provide an impetus to enrich the cultural offer at TUJ and use this to promote Japanese culture and arts among our faculty and students. We hope this will become a seasonal yearly event.
(翻訳/アカデミック・アドバイジング・センター 藤井 翔太)