CFP: Between the visible and the invisible

Conference dates:
July 3, 2017 - July 4, 2017
Not required
Venue: The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 1130033 Japan
Organized by: Temple University Japan, Intellectual Herritage and The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
This conference focuses on the philosophical and religious aspects of East Asia. It calls upon specialists from all fields who wish to contribute answering the fundamental human questions, including philosophers as well as religion scholars, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, logicians and scientific experts. Our aim is to explore the important relationship between philosophy and religion going all the way back to the very origins of philosophy itself. We will attempt to examine the difference between two phenomena, one being the faculty of philosophy to deploy a discourse based in reason when it comes to religion, while on the other hand religion seems to be unable to do the same vice versa. Realizing that one is totalizing discourse while the other takes itself to represent certain totality or to put it simply one tends toward the truth and the other supports its own truth, we will try so to explain the unifying relations they exercise within the visible and invisible realms of discourse, since these concepts appear to be essential in any meaningful approach to philosophy and religion, both laying claims to be able to grasp the real or the absolute.
The theme of this conference encompasses various facets of human experience, therefore it aims to adopt hodology as a method of inquiry. Interdisciplinary contributions on the notions of “visible and invisible” in reference to the question of religious experience and what it means to be human are most welcomed.
University of Tokyo
Temple University Japan
Université libre de Bruxelles
Topics of interest:
Philosophy of Religion
African/Africana Philosophy
Asian Philosophy
Continental Philosophy
European Philosophy
Philosophy of Science, Miscellaneous
Value Theory, Miscellaneous
Guide for authors:
Please send a 250 words abstract and CV to all of the email adresses listed under enquiries.
Presentations will be 20 minutes followed by a 10 minute commentary.
Deadline for submission:May 17th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 30th, 2017
For any enquiries please contact: <>,<>, <>